3 effective ways to manage multiple myeloma
Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that affects the plasma cells in the bone marrow. Here, cancerous cells begin accumulating in the bone marrow and outnumber the healthy cells. This leads to huge amounts of unwanted proteins rather than helpful antibodies. About 34,000 adults in the country are estimated to be affected by this condition in 2022. However, the disease can be managed through the following treatment options, foods, and lifestyle changes: Treatment options Multiple myeloma does not have a permanent cure, but the disease and its symptoms can be managed with the right treatment. Doctors may recommend immunotherapy to treat this blood-related condition. Immunotherapy This is a treatment method that empowers the patient’s immune system to fight cancerous cells. It is a biological therapy where certain substances derived from living beings are used for the treatment. Here are a few options: CAR T-cell therapy: This is a form of immunotherapy prescribed for multiple myeloma patients. This works on the T-cells (a white blood cell type), stimulating them to fight cancerous growth. The therapy involves drawing blood from the patient and adding chimeric antigen receptors (or CARs) to the blood, helping the T-cells target certain cancerous cell antigens. The CAR T-cells are then infused into the blood of the patient.