Huntington’s disease – Foods to avoid and eating habits to follow

Huntington’s disease – Foods to avoid and eating habits to follow

Huntington’s disease is a hereditary disease that causes the degeneration of brain cells. One of the main symptoms of this condition is uncontrollable jerky movements in the arms, legs, face, head, and upper body (called chorea). Other symptoms may also include a decline in thinking and reasoning skills, alterations in mood, and behavioral changes. This article explores how the condition impacts one’s eating and food management strategies to improve nutritional intake. How Huntington’s affects the body and food intake Chorea Huntington causes jerky, uncontrollable movements called chorea. This can use more energy, increasing one’s caloric needs. Difficulty in planning Huntington’s may cause short-term memory loss, making it difficult to plan meals in advance. This can also affect one’s food and nutrition. Clumsiness One may also experience stumbling and clumsiness. As a result, one may find it difficult to eat or drink, causing embarrassment among individuals with Huntington’s. Mood changes Cognitive changes with Huntington’s can cause depression and anxiety. This can cause changes in appetite, affecting one’s desire to eat. Muscular changes With Huntington’s, individuals may also have hand-eye coordination, eating, and posture issues. This can limit their ability to put food into their mouths, affecting their daily eating habits. Additionally, it can make it difficult to close the lips together, causing spillage.
11 common migraine causing odors

11 common migraine causing odors

Migraine is a neurological disorder characterized by severe, pulsating headaches often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. While the exact cause of migraines remains elusive, various triggers have been identified, including certain odors. Odor-triggered migraines can be particularly challenging to manage and treat. Below are some familiar smells that may trigger the condition, simple strategies to cope with them, and other factors that can trigger migraines. Why do certain odors cause migraine? The phenomenon of migraine headaches due to odor sensitivity is called osmophobia or olfactory migraines. The exact mechanism by which odors trigger migraines is not fully understood, but several theories exist. One is sensory overload, wherein strong odors overload the brain’s sensory processing, leading to a migraine in individuals susceptible to sensory triggers. Some people may also have heightened sensitivity to certain chemicals found in odorous substances. When exposed to these chemicals, their bodies may react with a migraine. Lastly, odors can activate specific neural pathways in the brain, potentially triggering migraine pathways in those predisposed to migraines. Odors that may trigger migraine Perfumes and fragrances Perfumes and strong fragrances are among the most common migraine triggers. The synthetic chemicals in many perfumes can overwhelm the olfactory system, leading to migraines in susceptible individuals.

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